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Course Levels & Performance Expectations

College Preparatory Level

Courses offered at Mt. Hope High
School are designed with curriculum
that will prepare them for post-
secondary education. This
curriculum is designed to enable
students to achieve the school’s
graduation expectations.

College Preparatory courses are
scaffolded to allow students multiple
opportunities to achieve state and
content standards. Achievement is
measured in a variety of ways
including traditional, authentic tasks
and performance based assessments.

Honors Level

Honors courses at Mt. Hope High
School are designed with curriculum
that prepares students for post-
secondary education. This
curriculum is designed to enable
students to achieve the school’s
graduation expectations.

Honors courses are designed so that
students achieve state and content
standards. The honors curriculum
requires a willingness to complete
extensive independent and
supplementary work outside of the
school day. Honors courses are
taught at an accelerated pace, and the
breadth and depth of content is
explored more comprehensively than
in the traditional college preparatory
courses. Achievement is measured in
a variety of ways including
traditional, authentic tasks, in depth
investigations or projects as well as
performance based assessments.

Advanced Placement
College Board Approved Courses

AP courses offered at Mt. Hope High
School are college level classes for
which students may receive college
credit from some institutions upon
the successful completion of the AP
examination. AP courses are
designed as first year college courses
that follow an approved curricula
approved by the College Board. The
courses address a broad content, at a
deep level, and at a faster pace.
Students taking an AP course should
expect to spend significant time on
independent reading, projects and
papers. Students considering AP
courses should be able to:
 Read independently and
readily recall essential
 Organize and synthesize
large amounts of material
 Write organized and
sophisticated essays

AP Test Policy
Students enrolled in Advanced Placement courses are expected to take the Advanced Placement examinations offered
in the spring. Failure to take the AP examination will result in the surrender of AP weight and status on the student’s transcript.
Students are responsible for payment of applicable AP examination fees set by the College Board. Financial assistance
is available for qualifying students. Students should speak to their guidance counselors about obtaining financial
Failure to pay for the AP examination will result in the surrender of AP weight and status on the student’s
transcript. Updated transcripts will be sent to post-secondary schools, colleges and universities.