Career and Technical Education
Why be part of a CTE Program?
Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs are designed to get students on-the-job ready after high-school. CTE Programs must contain a course sequence, work-based learning, and industry assessments, and be approved by the CTE Board of Education.
Students should consider CTE Programs because they have the opportunity to:
- Earn industry credentials, signaling an employer they are ready for work
- Earn college credits
- Learn hands-on
- Participate in work-based learning aligned with the industry
- Be able to start a career upon graduation
- Pursue deeper training or post-secondary education in their field of study
Benefits of CTE
From US Dept of Education, the Sept 2019 article: Bridging the Skills Gap: Career and Technical Education in High School https://www2.ed.gov/datastory/cte/index.html#WHOGRADUATESFINDSAJOB
High school students who were CTE concentrators graduated from high school at higher rates than their non-concentrator peers.
Percentage distribution of high school CTE concentrator by employment status eight years after expected high school graduation.